akshatratanpal 20 Jun 2021

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Self Introduction In English | इंग्रजीत स्वत: बद्दल कसे सांगायचे? English Speaking Course In Marathi


इंग्रजीत स्वत: बद्दल कसे सांगायचे? Tell me about Yourself in English - Self Introduction | English Speaking Practice Lesson For Beginners in Marathi #selfintroduction #tellemeaboutyourself #इंग्रजी

In this English speaking Lesson in Marathi, you will learn how to correctly your self introduction in English or to answer the question Tell me about yourself in English. This question is generally asked in a job Interview. This English conversation practice lesson would help you prepare the best answer to answer this job Interview question. The English phrases from this lesson would also help you give your introduction in general. This English lesson covers the following : -

1 How to tell your name and age in English?
2. How to talk about your work and profession in English.
3. How to tell about your hobbies and dislikes in English?
4. How to talk about the movies you like and your favourite actor?
5. How to talk about your native place in English?

Your English teacher Aakash has given you plenty of example sentences with translation in Marathi for better understanding. This spoken English lesson is best for beginners in English who want to practice English conversation and speak fluently and confidently.


English Speaking Course In Marathi

👉Lesson no 01 - Greetings in English


आमचे इतर Channels -
👉Learn English Through Hindi

👉Let’s Talk - ESL

👉Skillopedia - Skills for the real world http://www.youtube.com/skillopedia

👉Daily Video Vocabulary - Learn a new English Word dailyhttp://www.youtube.com/letstalkpodcast

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Introduction to Pivot Tables, Charts, and Dashboards in Excel (Part 1)
04 Dec 2021
Introduction to Pivot Tables, Charts, and Dashboards in Excel (Part 1)
akshatratanpal · 9 Views