akshatratanpal 04 Dec 2021

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Excel DGET Function Solves 2 of Your VLOOKUP Problems
04 Dec 2021
Excel DGET Function Solves 2 of Your VLOOKUP Problems
akshatratanpal · 13 Views

Excel Charts: Total Values for Stacked Charts in Excel


Download the workbook here: http://bit.ly/2pnDt5F

Learn how to add total values to stacked charts in Excel.

Stacked charts are great for when you want to compare different categories with one another and also show how much each category contributes to the whole.
The problem is that you can show the data labels for each of the stacks, but you cannot immediately show the total value of all the stacks on top of each bar. To do this, you need to follow the steps I show in the video.

★ My Online Excel Courses ► https://courses.xelplus.com/

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EXCEL RESOURCES I Recommend: https://www.xelplus.com/resources/

Get Office 365: https://microsoft.msafflnk.net/15OEg
Microsoft Surface: https://microsoft.msafflnk.net..../c/1327040/451518/75

Camera: https://amzn.to/2FLiFho
Screen recorder: http://techsmith.pxf.io/c/1252781/347799/5161
Microphone: https://amzn.to/2DVKstA
Lights: http://amzn.to/2eJKg1U

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Excel DGET Function Solves 2 of Your VLOOKUP Problems
04 Dec 2021
Excel DGET Function Solves 2 of Your VLOOKUP Problems
akshatratanpal · 13 Views